Amore del Passato
by Cosimo Lizzi
The Debut EP “Amore del Passato”from International Vocalist and Recording Artist Cosimo Lizzi. Share the romantic journey of love. Available February 14, 2023 on all Digital Platforms or wherever you buy or listen to music.
New Music Coming Soon — 2/14/2023 Released 2023
Rainbow Stallion Records

Album tracks

  • 1
    Cinque Giorni (clip)
    Cosimo Lizzi
  • 2
    Perdere L’ Amore (Live) (clip)
    Cosimo Lizzi
  • 3
    Sara (clip)
    Cosimo Lizzi
  • 4
    Adesso Tu (clip)
    Cosimo Lizzi
  • 5
    Quando, Quando, Quando (clip)
    Cosimo Lizzi
  • 6
    Ticket to Ride (Bonus Track) (clip)
    Cosimo Lizzi
  • 7
    Finale Musicale (clip)
    Cosimo Lizzi
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